New Fees and Requirements for the Registration of DMFs of APIs in China

On March 2020, the Chinese health authority NMPA increased the registration fee of DMFs for APIs and added new registration requirements.
Anvisa Temporarily allows pharmacies to manufacturer and sell Hand-Sanitizer to the public

On March 18, Anvisa has authorized pharmacies to prepare and sell gel alcohol directly to the public. Anvisa intends to expand the access of these products to the population, considering the high number of pharmacies throughout Brazil
Brazil’s Anvisa Cancels Face-to-Face meeting due to Coronavirus

Anvisa announces they will be canceling Face-to Face meeting as preventative measures due to Coronovirus.
China’s Communist Party held a meeting on March 4 to study the current state of Coronavirus in China.

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on March 4 which was presided over by General Secretary Xi Jinping to study the current priorities for the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus epidemic and the stabilization of economic and social operations
The FDA Prepares for the Fourteenth Annual Meeting International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation.

The FDA announces on March 3rd that they hold a public meeting regarding the 14th International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR)- to be held on April 14, 2020.
Mexico Prohibits the importation of electronic cigarettes by presidential decree (02/2020)

The Government of Mexico, concerned about the health of Mexicans, Prohibits the importation of electronic cigarettes by presidential decree.