In Brazil, Cosmetics are part of a category of products involving Personal Care Products, Cosmetics and Perfumes and cosmetics are divided into two categories, class I and class II.
Class I : are personal care products, cosmetics and perfumes whose formulation complies with the definition, and are characterized by having basic or elementary properties, whose proof is not initially necessary and do not require detailed information regarding their mode of use and their restrictions of use, due to the intrinsic characteristics of the product.
Class II: are personal care products, cosmetics and perfumes whose formulation complies with the definition, and which have specific indications, whose characteristics require proof of safety and/or efficacy, as well as information and care, mode and restrictions of use.
Product Notification VS. Product Registration
Notification of cosmetic products are product that are exempt from registration. These product are usually class I products and the local representative must submit a “prior communication” to Anvisa via a an online portal that informs Anvisa of an intent to commercialize in the country.
The registration of a cosmetic product is a longer process because the product must submit a list of required documents proving that the product is safe and effective, hence Class II products. Once the applicant receives a sanitary license and the product has been published in the Official Journal of the union (DOU) the product is allowed to be imported and commercialized in Brazil.