Mexico Prohibits the importation of electronic cigarettes by presidential decree.


The Government of Mexico implements actions aimed at eliminating the health risk caused by electronic cigarettes. The government was alarmed due to a concerning statistic released by ENDOCAT 216-2017 that about 938 thousand teenagers in Mexico have at least tried an electronic cigarette once and 160 thousand teenagers use it regularly.

The sale of electronic cigarettes has been banned in Mexico since May 2008, when the General Law for Tobacco Control was issued. However, there was a need for harmonization in the regulatory framework in order to prevent illegal trade practices of these products, which is specified with the publication of this presidential decree and is granted in constitutional article 131.

World Health Organization (WHO) e-cigarrete warnings:

The World Health Organization (WHO) had a great influence in the e-cigarette ban decision in Mexico. The WHO indicates that the Electronic Nicotine Administration Systems (SEAN), better known as electronic cigarettes or vaporizing devices; Electronic Systems Without Nicotine (SSSN) and Alternative Nicotine Consumption Systems (SACN) may contain levels of toxic substances and carcinogenic compounds, sometimes higher than those of traditional cigarettes.

Furthermore, the WHO pointed out that the devices constitute a risk for the surrounding people exposed to the aerosol exhaled by the users of these devices, since the solutions and mixtures used are usually dissolved in propylene glycol or glycerin, harmful elements for the heart and lungs.


With the enforced compliance of the new legal framework Cofepris and the Ministry of Economy hope it would eliminate any possible illegal marketing of e-cigarrete and ultimately, protect the health of Mexican citizens.



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