US FDA Extends Deadline for MoCRA Complaince

Understanding the Registration Process of Cosmetics with Anvisa

On November 8, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its intention to extend the enforcement deadline for cosmetic product facility registration and listing requirements as established by the Cosmetic Modernization Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA). The six-month extension is intended to provide industry with additional time to comply with the required facility registration procedures and provide detailed information on cosmetic products, thereby ensuring a smooth transition to the new regulations.

Overview of Medical Device Anvisa Regulations in Brazil

Overview of Medical Device Anvisa Regulations in Brazil

The most important regulation for Medical Devices in Brazil is RDC 751/2022, which provides for the risk classification, notification and registration regimes, labeling requirements, and instructions for use of medical devices.

Transfer of Ownership of Registrations at ANVISA

Transfer of Ownership of Registrations at ANVISA

Understanding the Transfer of Ownership of Registrations at ANVISA. The Resolution No 233/2018, began to allow the transfer of registration ownership of products subject to Health Surveillance through commercial operations.

Brazil’s Anvisa Medical Device Single Audit Program

GRP Blog explains the Registration process of Medical devices and IND in Brazil with The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA). New issued regulation RDC No. 751/2022 on Sept. 21, 2022 have updated the registration process.